
The Rolli Blog

The Rolli Blog is a collaborative effort written by journalists.
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Recent Articles

Multimedia Journalism: Combining Text, Audio, and Visuals for Effective Storytelling
Multimedia journalists are reporters who are capable of producing, writing, shooting, editing, re...
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The Evolution of Journalism: From Print to Digital Media
A timeless journey through stories: As an experienced journalist, I have a strong appreciation f...
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Investigative journalism: Techniques, Tools, and Ethics
Investigative Journalism: Holding power under a closer lens Investigative journalism - a term th...
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The Importance of Fact-Checking in Modern Journalism
Are you aware of the terms misinformation, disinformation, and fake news? These terms frequently ...
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How to Conduct Effective Interviews: Tips for Journalists
Crafting probing interview questions: a guide for aspiring Journalists As a journalist, your mis...
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The Role of Data Journalism
Data journalism, an emerging discipline that’s steadily gaining traction, brings to the forefront...
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What is Citizen Journalism?
The rise of user-generated content and its impact on News reporting In a world increasingly digi...
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Balancing Objectivity and Storytelling in Journalism
Objective journalism: its essence and importance In the realm of mass communication, objective j...
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Ethics of Undercover Reporting
What is "Undercover Reporting"? In the realm of journalism, various techniques are designed to r...
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9 of 25 articles